Pine Trees… quilted

image of Pine Trees quilt

I have to show you this.

image of Pine Trees quilt

Pine Trees quilt

I have been quilting up a storm on Violet since returning from the Sydney Quilt Show.

The Melbourne Quilt Show is next on the agenda  (July 26 -29) and I had a few quilts to get done for that,

including my own Pine Trees Quilt which I sewed up earlier in the year.

This quilt uses a very favourite RJR Smithsonian fabric, from the Rising Sun Quilt collection

image of Pine Tree Block

RJR Smithsonian fabric, Rising Sun Quilt collection

When in Sydney I bought a new Clamshell long-arm ruler and this is the first chance I’ve had to try it out.

I love it.

So just binding, label and hanging sleeve to go.

I am off to teach a class in Gisborne this afternoon, at Drapers of Mt Macedon

so had better fly.

Til soon


When a cold wind blows…

image of quilts

…go out and enjoy yourself.

And take some quilts for show and tell,

image of quilts

Quilts ~ old and new (finished and unfinished)

That’s what I did last night, heading down to Linda Collins’ beautiful home ~ warm and inviting on a cold winter’s night.

You’ll know Linda from Quilts in the Barn I’m sure, it’s a wonderful blog and of course the *Not *To *Be* Missed*

  ‘Quilts in the Barn’ exhibition every year.

Irene, Jenn and myself enjoyed a wonderful night with Linda and Paul (aka Jack) bigs hugs you two x x, Carol and  Guy from Quiltmania, Debbie and Lester (Debbie is also a quilter and makes the best Pavolova), Gus and John.

We all enjoyed a wonderful shared dinner.

I took along that Boeuf Bourguinon Carol mentioned, just to make sure I was still doing it right ;-)

I’m afraid we were so busy chatting and holding up quilts I forgot to take photo’s of the Show & Tell

but here we are at the end of the night, we were determined to get Guy in front of the camera instead of behind it

image of friends

L-R Debbie, Carol, Linda, Guy, Me, Jenn and Irene

til soon,


New Zealand then Sydney (and a give away)

image of Hewson panel

 I’ve just opened up the draft of a blog post I started at Auckland airport a week and a half ago.

I thought it might have been the second fastest blog post ever, but I didn’t manage to get it finished before boarding time for the flight to Melbourne.  So I’ve decided to start over :-)

I have had a good time in NZ since last I posted,  I did manage to get that post done (plus a quick cuppa) before  a short flight down to Palmerston North.  There was a gap in the clouds just big enough to see Mt Ruapehu poking through and that’s all I saw of her for the whole seven days.  Even when I drove right past her on the return trip she was completely hidden.

image of Mt Ruapehu

Mt Ruapehu, another month and she will be covered in snow, and frequently cloud unfortunately.

I was staying with my cousin Dawn this time.

We were great mates as kids and are great mates still.

We like the same things, isn’t that always nice :-) to be related and friends.

image of Dawn at work

Dawn at work in her studio. She makes fabulous clothes from Vintage fabrics and is very creative.

Dawn lives just a short walk from my Mum so I was able to spend lots of time with Mum too.

Mum’s got Alzheimers but is getting great care and attention.  She still knows who I am and we have fun together so it was important to make memories (for me) while we  can.  Sadly she will have forgotten I was there last week, but ‘in the moment’ all is fine.

But now I am back from gadding about the place/s and it’s time to get back to normal,

I realised it’s 2 months today since I left for the US and I have also had ‘a wedding’, a trip to NZ (that’s always a busy one)

and four days at the Sydney Quilt Show so it’s no wonder I’m a little disorganised.

Plus the excitement of being a featured home in Quiltmania magazine

image of Quiltmania magazine

Quiltmania # 89

 Quilt Station has a seven page spread plus the third and final instalment of my Mid 19th Century Star quilt pattern.

I was chuffed to see Ady, who has made (yes finished) the Maltaville quilt, being my neighbour in Quiltmania, that’s one of her beautiful quilts on the opposite page.

image of Quiltmania magazine

I'm thrilled with how Quilt Station looks

Merci beaucoup to Carol and Guy, it was a real pleasure to have you both visit my home for the day

and Guy, wow I love that photo of me :-)

So all that excitement

image of Fireworks


calls for a


 I would love to give away a couple of the John Hewson panels/fabrics which were reproduced by Andover last year.

I bought extra at Seventh Heaven Quilt Shop in New Braunfells, Texas anticipating I’d want to pass some on.

image of Hewson panel

John Hewson panel from the Winterthur Museum collection

There will be two chances to get one of these large urn panels, above

and two chances to win eight birds as shown below.

image of John Hewson birds

John Hewson Birds

to have a chance just leave a comment on this post, oooh let’s say,

by the 13th July.  That’s a Friday ~ Friday the 13th. What fun!

I will mail to anywhere in the world and no doubt between now and then I will have unearthed a couple other treasures to add to it.

To leave a comment you need to click on the title of the blog post.  That will re-open the post with the option to comment visible at the bottom.

The Sydney Quilt Show came hot on the heels of returning from NZ,

five of us from the Goldfields Quilters (Alison, Chris, Jennifer, Kathryn and myself) flew up on Thursday morning and were joined on Friday by Irene so you can imagine the fun we had.

The six of us piled in to a taxi van straight after breakfast on Saturday morning and headed over to

Material Obsession.

We were not going to miss out this time, adding an extra day to the itinerary as last year Jenn and I just ran out of time.

It’s a beautiful shop, I follow Kathy Doughty’s blog and her shop is a great reflection of her style and flair.

Here’s just a little of what I bought

image of fabrics

These aren’t Repro’s as such but they could be.  It’s all about how you look at it I suppose.

The Blue (Prussian like) with the Brown, once cut up, could go in to a mid 19th century quilt quite well I think.

And the Brown and Red diamond print wouldn’t look out of place either.

And if you are familiar with Material Obsession quilts you may be surprised to know you will find 19th c repro’s at Material Obsession.

I wasn’t expecting to find any but was very pleasantly surprised.

It’s true, I found (and came home with) quite a few.  It is a very diverse and friendly quilt shop.

After that we grabbed two taxis and made for Quiltsmith (but lunch in trendy Annandale shopping precint first)

We left a couple of hours later with bags bulging, this time catching the bus back to Darling Harbour.

I was so pleased Jenn was methodically going through the bargain boxes, I had completely missed this much needed fabric.

image of Beth Ann Bruske fabric

Beth Ann Bruske fabric.

Jenn kindly shared the last of the bolt so I have *Plenty* to do *Whatever* on the Cradle Quilt.  It had come to a stand still as quilts sometimes do.

image of Cradle Quilt progress

Cradle Quilt, no excuse not to get a wriggle on with this now is there?

And these found their way in to my arms as well

image of fabrics

Bits and bobs as they say, just for the stash

It is lovely to be home again.  It’s winter and it’s cold.

I like to hibernate just a little, well sometimes a lot and I have plenty of work to do ~ both quilt designing and quilting on Violet.

It’s a good time to be at home and in the studio.

We have an elderly dog and she’s all of a sudden showing her age.

She’s given us a few scares in the last few months and she seems to want one of us around more during the day,

so it’s another reason to be not too far from home for too long. We’re watching and taking it as it comes if you know what I mean.

The other day I was measuring and photographing my quilts for showcase and she was trying very hard to be noticed

image of Rollo


I’ve just realised I have no sewing prepped for tonight,

oh well, I shall sit by the fire and look at a quilt book or two instead.

Keep warm (or cool) and happy stitching

til soon


Antique purchases

image of purchases

This may be the quickest Blog Post ever,

photo’s are primed and ready to go,

I am sitting with Laptop on lap at Auckland airport waiting for my domestic flight to Palmerston North,

or Palmy as Palmerstonians like to call it.

One of the reasons why I’ve felt in a real muddle since getting back from the US is that there were many boxes of goodies arriving intermitently over the last week, cluttering up the place.  I’m not great when things aren’t orderly.  I’m pretty sure it’s a Libran thing.

Irene came up last weekend and we made an attempt to go through some of it.  We couldn’t even remember 1/3 of what we bought.

image of purchases

That's three boxes worth

Then yesterday my final box arrived, it was from Stella Rubin Antiques and contained this very charming treasure.

image of Antique Quilt

Late 19th C Star star quilt with cheerful Yellow applique

It was the cheerful yellow applique which charmed me so much, what an unexpected and delightful addition to a simple quilt pattern.

I also bought from Stella a few ‘orphaned’ blocks which appealed.

image of Antique House Block

Antique House block

image of Antique Block

Antique Block

Love a good paisley as you know

image of Antique pieces

Antique Pieces

When I was at the New England Quilt Museum, I found a couple of treasures there too

image of Vintage Fabric pieces

Fabric pieces approximately 1785 - 1845

image of Vintage Prussian Blue Album Block

Vintage Prussian Blue Album Block

I’ll be whipping off that border of course

I’m going to leave it there for today, I’ve got time for a cup of tea if I don’t dilly dally.

Internet connection permitting I will be back in a day or two and will have a give-away as there is so much fabric!!

til soon,

Oh by the way,

all fine in NZ just took the opportunity to ‘nip’ home to see Mum before the rest of the year gets really busy.


USA continued, visiting D.C.

image of Washington DC

 Warning, you may need to make a cup of tea before sitting down.

I could go on indefinitely with posts titled USA continued,

but I think we might all get sick of that ;-)

So I will make this the final post about the USA trip even though I’m sure I’ll still post the odd photo of USA quilts, people and places over the months to come.

 I saw so much to inspire me that you can imagine I have quilts dancing around in my head and I have this morning started on Something New, which I will want to show you a little of before long.

As promised this post will be about the time in Washington D.C.

image of Washington DC

Don't let the summer blouse fool you, it was brisk on that bus brrrrr

Irene and I actually stayed at a Holiday Inn hotel in Alexandria, VA

(just across the river and more to our budget than being in DC itself)

It was suggested by Fiona of  Country Threads ,thank you Fiona it was perfect for us.  We were riding that subway like locals over the four days.

The main purpose for being in D.C. was of course to visit the National Museum of American History.

I have been in fairly regular contact with Associate Curator Doris Bowman since embarking on my Maltaville Album Quilt and was keen to see the original quilt if possible.

To say the half day at the Smithsonian was “brilliant” is an understatement.  I was bowled over by Doris Bowman’s generosity in allowing me to view, touch ~ gently, and photograph the original quilt as well as allowing me time to just look and learn.

image of Maltaville Quilt

"How have they finished that edge?"

Now I know, after the red piping there is a 1 1/8″ finished folded binding ~  left unfilled.

The quilt itself threw up some surprises and answered some of my questions, but with those answers comes more questions.

image of Maltaville Quilt

Detail of centre block

Cleverly using the wrong side of the green fabric to create subtle shading,  I have done that myself in the past but it was a nice surprise to see it here.  There is a lot more embroidery than I had realised though ~ not my strong point!

image of Maltaville Album Quilt

Harriet Able's block

I didn’t do my stems or leaves like that, but I like the way it looks.  I think I will be a convert to Harriet’s method.

image of Maltaville Album Quilt

On Earth In Heaven block by Delia Burr

image of Maltaville Album Quilt

Mrs William Thompson Maltaville block

As I say, embroidery is not my strong point which is why my bird block is still waiting for that embroidered detail.

I showed Doris my version of the Maltaville, which looks so stark and *white* next to the original which is so warm and mellowed with age.

I posted a photo of me grinning like a cheshire cat here on the Maltaville Blog.

I was also able to view some other quilts which are of interest to me, it should come as no surprise which four quilts topped that list,

The Rising Sun Quilt,  The Little Sister’s Quilt, Benoni Pearce’s Groom’s Quilt and the Copp Family Quilt.

It was such a privilege to view these quilts, even tucked away in their drawers.

image of Groom's quilt detail

Benoni Pearce's Groom's Quilt 1850, detail

image of Rising Sun Quilt detail

Betsy Totten's Rising Sun Quilt, detail

image of Little Sister's Quilt detail

Little Sister's quilt, detail

It’s not known whether Susan Holbert (born 1834) made this quilt herself or if her older sister Emily Holbert made it for Susan.

But Emily Holbert did make this quilt in 1847, Emily died in 1858.

image of Emily Holbert quilt detail

Emily Holbert quilt 1847, detail

image of Fabric detail, Copp quilt

Copp Quilt early 19th century, detail

I saw even more quilts than these and will share them with you over time.  I am very, very thankful to Doris Bowman for being so generous with her time and knowledge.

  While in D.C. we also visited the DAR museum.

image of hexagon quilt

Hexagon quilt, Vermont Room DAR Museum.

image of DAR museum quilts

Penn family 1850s Baltimore Album Quilt (left) and Mary Mannakee Quilt (right)

We visited the DAR twice, the first day we didn’t get there til 3pm as we had taken a drive out to visit Stella Rubin Antiques , more about that another day!  So another visit was needed to really study the quilts on show at the DAR.

You may like to put the kettle on again as there are just a few more things I want to share.

I don’t want to sign off from the US trip without mentioning the day Irene and I spent with friends Marsha, On the Go Quilting and Stella ~ no blog, yet ;-)

image of Quilting friends

Back row: Irene and Moi. Front row: Stella and Marsha.

We had a great day together at the New England Quilt Museum and the Lowell Textile Museum.  We even squeezed in a trip to Candlelite Quilts to do some more shopping.  Marsha, we made a dash to the USPS on the Friday for our final mailing home, we had three mailings home in all for a grand total of five boxes!!  Marsha has blogged about our fabulous day together here and here

And Stella, I will be in touch real soon about ‘you know what’.

I’ll finish with a few odds and ends

image of Dress 1845-1848

Dress 1845-1848 American History Textile Museum, Lowell, MA

image of New England Mill

Mill building, Springfield, Vermont

 I wish the above photo had sound.

image of Rockport MA

Rockport, MA

I know I will have to do another USA cont. blog post because I haven’t shared anything from the Winterthur Museum yet.

But that will have to be another day, next time I want to show you a little of a new project.

And the latest Quiltmania magazine is out, with the  final instalment of my Mid 19th Century Star quilt along with the photo shoot Quiltmania did here last year.  Very Exciting.  I will try to be back in a day or two.

til soon


USA continued


I am enjoying looking through the photo’s of the trip, but I fear my intention to post chronologically is doomed to fail ;-)

You can imagine the thousands of photo’s I’ve taken on both camera and iphone still being filed in to assorted folders on the computer.

And yesterday was my son’s wedding day and naturally I want to show you how happy he and is beloved are.

image of Dylan and Jacinta

The happy couple, Dylan and Jacinta, dancing up a storm.

And yes my dress still fitted just fine, despite eating my way across the US.

I would love to show you a little more of Natchez, Mississippi.

Irene and I loved this place and are keen to get back there with Jennifer.

image of street scene Natchez

Street scene, Natchez Mississippi

It might be a great place for a quilt retreat.

The hotel we stayed in was the Eola Hotel, a grand Southern style hotel.

image of Eola Hotel

38 Stars and 13 Stripes, United States Civil War Battle Flag

In Paducah I was able to put faces to a couple of familiar names which was really nice.

Christine is one of the Maltaville subscribers,  I just happened to read her name tag and introduced myself.

image of Sittin' a whileMe and Christine.  Lunch at CrackerBarrell, then just sit a while

Gail is another Maltaville quilt friend, I knew she had a few quilts accepted in to Paducah so was excited at the chance to see her work, then I found out that she was going to make it to Paducah as well.

Here’s just one of Gail’s three quilt entries, they were all exceptional quilts

image of first-baltimore quilt

First Baltimore by Gail H Smith

We met up at the National Quilt Museum and spent a lovely time enjoying the quilts together.

We had emailed with what we were wearing that day, and when I walked in to the museum I saw a lady who I thought could be Gail.

The funny thing was, she was standing next to Irene who was waiting for Sherry and me to arrive as we had being doing our own things for the morning.

And even funnier was that when we did all the introductions, Irene and Gail had been corresponding in the past and knew each other’s names but Gail hadn’t realised I was travelling with ‘that’ Irene and Irene hadn’t realised I was meeting ‘that’ Gail.

image of quilters

Sherry, Gail and Irene. The smiles say it all.

I was especially happy to see one of Margaret McDonald’s quilts.

Margaret is a quilt designer/teacher I really admire and like a whole lot.

image of Margaret McDonald quilt

School Days by Margaret McDonald

There were so many quilts I took photo’s of but will show just a few more today.

image of Forever in my Heart quilt

# 579 Forever In My Heart quilt by Lahala Phelps, Washington.

I would love to make a quilt ‘one day’ using a brilliant deep yellow background.  It’s stunning.

image of The Compass Quilt

# 925 The Compass Quilt by Kathleen McLaughlin, Connecticut

Circular blocks are also a favourite, and I really like the darker background used here.

image of Applique block

Applique detail from #125 Album of Roses quilt by Rita Verroca, California

image of Album of Roses quilt

# 125 Album of Roses quilt by Rita Verroca, California.

The workmanship in the quilts at Paducah just took my breath away.  Congratulations to the winners but also to everyone who had quilts  accepted for exhibit.  It was a delight to see them all, thank you.

I’ll pop the occasional quilt in to a blog post for a while to come I think.

Pat and Arlan Christ had a display of antique quilts and Arlan gave a very informative floor talk each day.

image of Sawtooth Bars quilt

Sawtooth Bars quilt c1870, Pennsylvania

Next post I will fast forward to Washington D.C. and the Smithsonian Institute.

I am still reliving the morning spent in the Quilt Room at the Institute, studying the original Maltaville Album Quilt.

That was very special.

til soon,



image of ready to go

It’s said that all good things must come to an end,

I’m not sure if that’s always the case but my wonderful trip to the States ended yesterday when Irene and I arrived back in cold Melbourne.

We had the BEST time, over the next few weeks I’ll be posting about the things we saw and did.

But first a big big thank you to Jenn who did a blog post by proxy for me, thanks Jenn you are a champ.

There were a few problems with the blogging while away, I thought everything would go to plan but hadn’t counted on very slow internet connections when using ‘free’ hotel WiFi (well you get what you pay for as they say)

Coupled with the photoshop program not loading properly on Irene’s travelling computer, it seemed to be a conspiracy against both Irene’s and my best intentions to blog.

So we made sure we spent the time out and about seeing things instead so that there’ll be something to show you now :-)

I’ll do a bit at a time and try to keep it chronological.

image of ready to go

We are pretty excited at this point, quick stop in Sydney then next stop San Francisco.

However San Francisco was another quick stop en route to Texas, San Antonio to be exact.

I really liked Texas, a lot.

image of Texas Flag

Texas State Flag

I can’t wait to go back, I know I will get back there.

We stayed with good friends Sherry and Darwin whom Jenn and I have known for a couple of years.

 After just a few too short days in San Antonio Irene, Sherry and I headed to Paducah.

We decided to make it a bit of a Road Trip especially wanting to see some of the Natchez Trace Parkway which Linda Collins had recommended

It really was a highlight of the trip, we drove it between Natchez and Tupelo Mississippi

image of Natchez Trace Parkway

At the start of the Trace, Natchez Mississippi

We took a leisurely four days to get to Paducah, travelling through Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.

I have just today started on loading *all* those photo’s on to the computer and reliving it all.

It was such a treat to be able to spend time in those States.

I will try to post a little more about those later but I would like to show just a couple more pics, taken in Paducah.

image of making friends

Meeting new friends ~ Cyndi from Cyndi's Quilts Oklahoma, Me, Gerald Roy and Sherry.

I made a few exciting (read antique) purchases in Paducah and one of them was from Cyndi,

image of 1849 Quilt detail

1849 applique quilt

And this is it,

it comes with a good amount of provenance, enough to get a head start on some further research.

Next post I will put up some pictures of Paducah quilts, the fun we had in Paducah and the quilters we met.

It will take me a little while to work out which quilt photo’s to post as needless to say

the quilts on display were all incredible !!

til soon


Road Trip

image of Irene Blanck & Margaret Mew at Tullarmarine

I’ve asked Jenn to do a quick post for me and put up some photos since our wifi access has been very dodgy.

image of Irene Blanck & Margaret Mew at Tullarmarine

Irene and I waiting to start our trip

Just chillin’ in Natchez Mississippi. Had a bit of Gumbo and about to take a stroll around town at Natchez Eola Hotel.

image of Margaret at natchez

Just chillin


Froncie Quinn from Hoopla Patterns at Paducah


D.C. Here we come at The Cavalier Inn at the University.

I drove a Dodge!

As Jenn types this we have left Wilmington and are on our way to New York but I promise lots more photos and stories, hopefully we will be able to get better access to the internet.

til soon,


Paducah is Fab.

I am loving being in the USA.

It’s quite late and I was in a class this evening so I’m a bit tired I’m afraid,

I have been in Paducah for a couple of days now.

There won’t be any photo’s today sorry, I’m using a borrowed computer with no photo shop.  But I promise I will get some on as soon as possible.

Just to keep you up to date with where I have been and what Irene and I have been doing,

we left San Antonio, Texas last Saturday and went to La Grange Quilt Museum.

Then on up to Paducah, Kentucky via Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, spending three nights on the road.

Highlights were. . .  Natchez, Mississippi and the Natchez Trace Parkway (thanks Linda and Bev xx).

We travelled on it between Natchez and Tupelo.

Since arriving in Paducah we have just been ‘go,go,go’ and my head is still spinning a bit.

We leave Saturday morning to head back to Nashville and catch a flight to Charlottesville VA.

it’s also on Saturday that we say goodbye (for now) to Sherry, we will miss her so much.

I really wanted to write longer but I’ve got a big day again tomorrow with a lecture early so i had better hit the sack, Irene’s gone up already,

til soon,


we are having the best time

image of Eye Of The Needle Exhibition, San Francisco Airport

Thank you for all the lovely bon voyage calls, emails and messages.  Irene and I are having a great time here.  We are still in San Antonio and love it here.

When Irene and I landed in San Francisco on Wednesday we were greeted in the concourse with this

image of Eye Of The Needle Exhibition, San Francisco Airport

Threading The Needle Exhibition, San Francisco Airport

We felt right at home :-)

We had an immediate connecting flight to San Antonio and were warmly welcomed to Texas by our friends Sherry and Darwin.

Sherry is working on a replica of the Rising Sun Quilt, it was a work in progress she bought off Ebay so today we had some show and tell

image of Rising Sun Quilt

Sherry's Rising Sun Quilt in progress, and Mandy.

Fiesta started in San Antonio yesterday, so Irene and I have been doing touristy things today, but of course we have already been to a quilt shop.

Seventh Heaven in New Braunfells where the lovely owner Dixie was very welcoming,

I hade pre-ordered some John Hewson fabric so picked that up

image of John Hewson fabric

John Hewson fabric

 and I did some extra shopping,

Dixie was very kind and gave both Irene and myself a copy each of the San Antonio cookbook, we are keen cooks so will love using them

image of fabric and cookbook

of course I found some fabric I 'had to have'

I’m still feeling I have a touch of the ‘vagues’ so I will sign off

oooh Darwin’s just come in to the office with a glass of red so that’s my cue
