Last week I had the very great pleasure of meeting a new antique quilt!!!
Is that an oxymoron?
I’m sure you know what I mean ~ an antique quilt not seen before, that makes it new right!
I also had the very great pleasure of meeting the owner, Melva who very kindly brought her quilt in for me to see.
Melva would love me to show you the quilt so it can be enjoyed by many.
So without further ado, please let me introduce you to the quilt known as Grandma Taylor’s Blue Quilt.
Grandma Taylor is the great great grandmother of the previous owner, a relation of new owner Melva.
Grandma Taylor was from Westport,Pennsylvania, USA.
The fabrics in this quilt are a wonderful example of early 19th century fabrics, particularly those Prussian Blues I love soooo much.
There were the usual squeals of “oh look” “look at this one” “Look at that ombré” “how about that for a paisley”
I should put photo’s with those exclamations shouldn’t I?
So for all those fabricaholics, enjoy.
The quilt is in very good condition. Only a few of the fabrics have not fared well and the above is one that has perished. I could only find this particular fabric in two places but many others are repeated all over the quilt.
I was particularly interested with this fabric
because it reminded me of this one
More Prussian Blue
Stripes and a very sweet little paisley in yellow, can you spot it?
And the back is very impressive too, a mid blue serpentine print
Many many thanks to Melva for sharing Grandma Taylor’s quilt with us.
And many many thanks to Mary at Patch n Quilt (formerly Drapers of Mt Macedon) who suggested it and then made it happen
I would love to reproduce this, Melva has generously given me the OK. I have so many great Prussian blue repros left from the Maltaville, they need a new project and so do I, LOL.
Tomorrow Jenn and I are off to the beach for a few lovely days of friendship and sewing with Linda (thank you, thank you Linda for providing the digs), Bev (no blog) and Debbie (don’t think Debbie has a blog)
We are sooooo looking forward to it. I have packed the car already!!
We have heaps of work to do and hope to be able to show you what secret quilting business we have been up to very soon.
I will no doubt be dreaming of a certain blue medallion quilt.
til soon