I have finally completed the top of Miss Hitchens’ Whimsy, just the quilting to do now.
*Insert Happy Beaming Face*
With MHW’s completion I got stuck into OMG Ombre…cutting the fabric for the remaining flying geese blocks. Well when I say remaining I mean 22 of the 25 needed…I hadn’t got very far initially.
I spent a lovely (coldish) weekend two weekends ago sewing by the fire, using foundation piecing for speed and accuracy.
By the end of the weekend I had made all the Wild Goose Chase blocks and then started playing with the alternate blocks…I needed to decide if I did or didn’t want them scrappy, did I want to add pink triangles? (cos I had a nice pink Ombre print I was dying to use)
There was a bit of this going on periodically to make sure I was still happy…
But the weekend was over too soon and I had to pack it away
The very next weekend, out it all came again and I finshed the alternate blocks, assembled them and *even* got the border on.
More decisions to be made there of course, lol I had in my head that it would be quite a subtle pieced border…there was enough going on in the centre I thought.
I tried all sorts of combinations and ended up with this… Not what I had in mind at all but, hey sometimes you have to listen to what the quilt has to say.
So I have two quilts ready to machine quilt .. such a good feeling.
Hoping you are getting some productive sewing time too
til next
Happy stitching
Stunning quilts! Stunning border, funny how the quilt always know what it needs LOL
Thanks Sharon
you know it was an act of faith to just keep going, I really wasn’t 100% sure til the end but it looked good on EQ and my DH kept saying yes it’s great so I just kept going. I am glad with the result. itching to start something else now but better get some quilting done haha.
Oh Margaret, I loooooove both those quilts! Wish I could get to the applique academy coming up!
Hi Kelly, thank you…we will miss you at Academy