After my last post Kathie said she’d love to know what I think of the Valdani threads so I had a quick rummage around in the sewing room for something to have a little trial with…

A Sarah Morrell block in progress using RJR Smithsonian fabrics, from the Rising Sun Quilt collection... the chintz is Potpourri #2200 in Purple and the small print is Teardrop #2207 in Plum.
…then remembered this nearly finished bit of Broderie Perse for my Sarah Morrell quilt.
I had been using one strand of DMC for the stitching and had been around all the raw edges except for the purple roses because I didn’t have the right shade of purple in my DMC threads.
The Valdani ‘Antique Violet’ #P-10 was a perfect colour match even though in the photo it appears to be closer in shade to the pieced fabric…because of its variegations it blends beautifully (is variegations a word?)
I am a quilter who refuses to obey the rules and I cut my thread (but not DMC obviously) longer than fingertip to elbow…always have… and sometimes/frequently I am sorry I did that, but like Homer Simpson I keep doing it. But this thread didn’t tangle or knot, it didn’t shred -granted it is meant to be stronger than DMC- and because it’s a bit thicker it gives a really nice edge to the Broderie Perse.
I like it a lot.
If you click on the photo it will give you a close up view, then click again on the green arrow to get a bit closer still…all the purple is Valdani and everything else is DMC -single strand.
I was so inspired I added two of the border strips – all four have been made for ages – but I won’t make the corner pieces just yet as I am concentrating on other projects. So this block will go away again but it’s slowly progressing on its journey.
Very soon everything in my sewing space will be turned upside down and inside out because it’s moving to a new home…
…I know, you can hardly see anything but I had to do some major photoshop cropping because I am embarrased about the weeds.
My gorgeous son told me 6 weeks ago that he’s got his own place and I have been counting the days until he vacates the little cottage at the bottom of the garden..and that day is Friday.
I will love having my own “I’m off to work now” space because it’s so easy to get distracted when working from inside the house even though I do set myself quite regimented working hours. The cottage has a little kitchenette (more ette than kitchen) but it’s big enough for a fridge, a couple of cups -for visitors – and a coffee machine, it has its own loo and even a shower so I may never need to come out. I’m planning on moving my computer and printer over there too so I will have my design space and office under one roof.
Pictures from the inside coming soon-ish
Lucky you! Will you actually wait to start moving before they hit the end of the drive?
I’ve been very restrained, I’ve only gone in with my tape measure when he’s not there
Durn! What am I doing in Paris when I could be moving stuff out of the new studio!!!!! Oh! I know…I’m going to Le Rouvrey today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MIGHT get some fabric for you!!
So pleased to hear ‘the end is nigh’ and you’ll have your own cubby!!!!!
well thats so exciting a new sewing room, a whole cottage to yourself!, wow this is going to be amazing!
I hope you share with us the transformation from his space to yours!
thanks for the info about the Valdani thread, looks like I need to give it a try too! your block looks wonderful. I have heard lots of positive comments about their pearle cottons too.
im surprised you havent packed his bags and had them on the door step for him! (just to help him of course!) lol
I used to have some of The Rising Sun Fabric. I remember it well.