Gathering Dust…

Yes that’s what Jennifer said when she popped in yesterday,

“How’s that quilt coming along…it looks like it’s gathering dust?”

image of Pine tree quilt blocks

Pine tree blocks...still in progress!

It’s true I set the machine up on the end of the table so I would be able to sew the blocks in the evenings,

but it just hasn’t been happening.  No reason, just not in the mood.

The machine has been there longer than I care to remember now, has to be a month I’d say!!

Never mind, I’ll get to it eventually.

Today the postie brought two treasures

image of Quiltmania magazine

Quiltmania magazine

and some fabric.

I grabbed a bit more RJR Smithsonian fabric from Heart of Dixie and *filled the bag* with some oldies but goodies.

image of fabric

Fabric goodie bag

Heart of Dixie is a great spot for those fabrics which have long gone in Australia, our repro stuff gets snapped up so quickly.

I’ve also been busy drafting for the Maltaville Quilt and getting very good at paper cutting.

I remember asking my daughter a while back about the pronunciation of Scherenschnitte

(she spent some time in Germany and then Zurich in her late teens as an au pair and going to German language school)

The conversation went something like this.

“darling how is Scherenschnitte pronounced?”

“How is what pronounced!!”

“Scherenschnitte, how do I pronounce it?”

“Mumsie, I don’t know, what are you talking about? I don’t know what you mean”

“you must know, you would have done it with the kids…Paper Cutting”

“ohhh, Scherenschnitte” pronounced in a way I could never hope to repeat.

Anyway here is my effort at that activity, I’m better at doing it than saying it LOL

iamge of Drafting blocks

Scherenschnitte galore

the above has now resulted in this

image of pattern H4


I find that the old fashioned paper cutting, like folded paper dolls,

is the best way to do some of these blocks and get them symmetrical (hopefully, though I’ve had a few rejects)

iamge of Pattern C3


I should add that I’m sure my pronunciation is not too bad it’s just that where languages are concerned DD is a bit of a perfectionist.

Another nice thing that is happening is the arrival of  Spring and soon Summer.

One of my cousins in NZ has joined me up to her Facebook Garden Group so I have been photographing,

and therefore enjoying more,

my garden as well as hers.

So here’s a lovely rose to enjoy from my garden.

image of William Morris roses

William Morris Roses

Til soon :-)


  1. Wow! Paper cutting AND flower photography…will your talents NEVER end???? Tee!Hee!

  2. i love that name – gathering dust! and i love that quilt – what a classic!

    • Thanks Rose, it will be a great quilt when I finally get on with it. Sooo many in the head at the moment it’s a bit scary

  3. Gathering dust looks like it might be one for Linda’s Quilts in the Barn exhibition next year. Still plenty of time to finish it.

  4. I do love a good red and white quilt and your “Gathering Dust” is a good red and white quilt! Also saw a photo of your next project on Quilts In The Barn. It looks very interesting as well!! Do you ever actually sleep? You are sew productive!!

  5. Beautiful roses! I love Heart of Dixie, too. You are giving away all my secret places!

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