All I want for Christmas is a new studio

And that’s what I’ve got, well one room of a studio anyway.

DH had to fit in the painting around the day job and other chores, and of course it takes so long when it’s all DIY.

So one room is complete and I have spent the last few days sorting & moving stuff and then sorting it and moving it some more.

Of course I up-ended two rooms in the house in the process, so there was a lot to sort.

image of sorting shelves

Works in Progress

I started with the unfinished quilts/UFO’s/ Works in Progress

Call ‘em what we will, we’ve all got ‘em haven’t we… haven’t we??

I sorted but I didn’t count LOL

image of moving day

I only brought over a little at a time

Mostly I huffed things across in my arms but my Smithsonian fabrics came in one hit on a trolley

image of moving day

Four tubs of Smithsonian

of course I could have just bunged them in their slots on the shelves,

but nooooo…

I decided to sort those too.

Well it’s just that they get mucked up all the time as they come out of the box for quilt possibilities.

image of Groom's Quilt fabric

RJR Smithsonian fabric...The Groom's Quilt

image of Little Sister's Quilt fabric

RJR Smithsonian Fabric...The Little Sister's Quilt

image of Copp Quilt fabric

RJR Smithsonian Fabric...The Copp Quilt

it’s actually better the way I have them now, I can see what I’ve got.

image of Rising Sun Quilt fabric

RJR Smithsonian Fabric...The Rising Sun Quilt

The room is looking a lot more lived in now (these photo’s were taken on Wednesday)

I have my office desk under the window

image of studio

It (like a quilt) is still a work in progress and I will take some more photo’s to show you tomorrow.

On Friday I moved the books over, lots of huffing and puffing I can tell you.

So my plan for the holiday break, after the next Maltaville mail-out that is, is to start on a couple of those tubs of UFO’s,

first is the Red & White Pine Tree Quilt

Pine Tree Block

I’ve also been chipping away at the hand quilting of the Welsh Quilt

image of Welsh Quilt

Welsh Quilt

I got some done when Jenn came over last week for a sewing day, but those borders are going to take a while…sigh.

image of Jennifer

We were pretty productive

image Sewing Day

Sewing Day

I aim to get another blog post in during the week so I won’t wish you happy hol’s just yet.

Take a look at Fiona’s Country Threads blog if you get a chance, she’s recently been in the States and has been quilt museum-ing.

There is quilt eye candy galore over several posts.


  1. What did you mean – one room of a studio? How many rooms do you have? I always thought a studio was just one room! I’d love to have more than one – one for quilting, one for art, and one for everything else crafty. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

    • LOL, I know it sounds extravagant…but there are two work rooms, one is small and the other is, well smaller. I’m in the larger one. There is also a kitchenette (which is more ‘ette’ then kitchen, but I’ll be able to make a cuppa, Santa is bringing me a kettle) It feels great to ‘go to work’ in the morning tho I have to say, I’m loving that :-)

  2. I can’t wait to come sew in your new studio!! Love the way you’ve sorted your Smithsonians.

    • Yes you, me and Jenn will just squeeze in, or we could go in to the house if you prefer. No air con either, you’ve been warned, I prefer to just open the window LOL.
      There’s more fabric to sort but I have to get shelves up and not sure where I want them yet, I just know I’ll change it all around several times before settling on a final layout
      Give me a hoi when you’re coming up… to sew, or sort ;-)
      M x

  3. I love how organised you are and I have serious stash envy not too mention serious studio envy. Lets just face it I am envious of lots of stuff these days. A bit of pieceful stitching time is what I am most envious of!!!

  4. I enjoy following your blog. The welsh quilt looks great. Congrats on your new studio. I would like someone to come organize my studio for Christmas. I like how your studio is organized and so is the fabric for the projects. I organize the projects in my head then pull everything apart to find the fabric. Your idea seems much more manageable.

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