USA continued

I am enjoying looking through the photo’s of the trip, but I fear my intention to post chronologically is doomed to fail ;-)

You can imagine the thousands of photo’s I’ve taken on both camera and iphone still being filed in to assorted folders on the computer.

And yesterday was my son’s wedding day and naturally I want to show you how happy he and is beloved are.

image of Dylan and Jacinta

The happy couple, Dylan and Jacinta, dancing up a storm.

And yes my dress still fitted just fine, despite eating my way across the US.

I would love to show you a little more of Natchez, Mississippi.

Irene and I loved this place and are keen to get back there with Jennifer.

image of street scene Natchez

Street scene, Natchez Mississippi

It might be a great place for a quilt retreat.

The hotel we stayed in was the Eola Hotel, a grand Southern style hotel.

image of Eola Hotel

38 Stars and 13 Stripes, United States Civil War Battle Flag

In Paducah I was able to put faces to a couple of familiar names which was really nice.

Christine is one of the Maltaville subscribers,  I just happened to read her name tag and introduced myself.

image of Sittin' a whileMe and Christine.  Lunch at CrackerBarrell, then just sit a while

Gail is another Maltaville quilt friend, I knew she had a few quilts accepted in to Paducah so was excited at the chance to see her work, then I found out that she was going to make it to Paducah as well.

Here’s just one of Gail’s three quilt entries, they were all exceptional quilts

image of first-baltimore quilt

First Baltimore by Gail H Smith

We met up at the National Quilt Museum and spent a lovely time enjoying the quilts together.

We had emailed with what we were wearing that day, and when I walked in to the museum I saw a lady who I thought could be Gail.

The funny thing was, she was standing next to Irene who was waiting for Sherry and me to arrive as we had being doing our own things for the morning.

And even funnier was that when we did all the introductions, Irene and Gail had been corresponding in the past and knew each other’s names but Gail hadn’t realised I was travelling with ‘that’ Irene and Irene hadn’t realised I was meeting ‘that’ Gail.

image of quilters

Sherry, Gail and Irene. The smiles say it all.

I was especially happy to see one of Margaret McDonald’s quilts.

Margaret is a quilt designer/teacher I really admire and like a whole lot.

image of Margaret McDonald quilt

School Days by Margaret McDonald

There were so many quilts I took photo’s of but will show just a few more today.

image of Forever in my Heart quilt

# 579 Forever In My Heart quilt by Lahala Phelps, Washington.

I would love to make a quilt ‘one day’ using a brilliant deep yellow background.  It’s stunning.

image of The Compass Quilt

# 925 The Compass Quilt by Kathleen McLaughlin, Connecticut

Circular blocks are also a favourite, and I really like the darker background used here.

image of Applique block

Applique detail from #125 Album of Roses quilt by Rita Verroca, California

image of Album of Roses quilt

# 125 Album of Roses quilt by Rita Verroca, California.

The workmanship in the quilts at Paducah just took my breath away.  Congratulations to the winners but also to everyone who had quilts  accepted for exhibit.  It was a delight to see them all, thank you.

I’ll pop the occasional quilt in to a blog post for a while to come I think.

Pat and Arlan Christ had a display of antique quilts and Arlan gave a very informative floor talk each day.

image of Sawtooth Bars quilt

Sawtooth Bars quilt c1870, Pennsylvania

Next post I will fast forward to Washington D.C. and the Smithsonian Institute.

I am still reliving the morning spent in the Quilt Room at the Institute, studying the original Maltaville Album Quilt.

That was very special.

til soon,



  1. Ady Hirsch says:

    Thank you for sharing your amazing trip – and congratulations on your son’s wedding, they look so happy!

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