the Sewing kit is packed…

I have been busy tucked away in the studio last night and all this morning  drafting and preparing three more blocks for the Maltaville Album Quilt.   I had one already as a work in progress so that is four blocks to take to NZ with me to sew…an excellent achievement.

image of MAQ block

This is the work in progress... an intriguing block, is it trees or coral? Maybe Bugs...I'll look in to origin of this one when I get back.

image of birds

A very folky bird block, there's enough glued down for now, I'll add the leaves etc later.

image of corner block

This is another of the corner blocks, in keeping with the original I'm sticking to Prussian Blues and this is one of Margo Krager's Dargate Prussian Blues (often teamed with Brown)

image of flower

A Flower block in traditional Red and Green, I never tire of it and I'm glad the Maltaville used plenty of blocks in this combination.

A little while ago I subscribed to Quiltmania magazine and this morning my first edition arrived by post,  I have put it in my cabin bag and ~ honest~ well maybe when I get to the departure lounge. And of course this now puts my plan to tidy my laptop’s photo’s in jepoardy.

image of quiltmania

I swear I have not even peaked inside... that's my laptop bag, it's going in there

So I have some nice reading and some sewing to do to while away the evenings whilst sipping local NZ wines.

My evenings will be spent at my Brother’s farmhouse in the beautiful Pohangina Valley, where Pinot Noir grapes abound mmmmmmmm,mmmm.

I’ll photograph and blog while I am away, the area he lives in is stunningly beautiful and is worthy of sharing.

Til soon…


  1. Its always nice to prepare work to take when travelling. I always take toooo much just in case…………

    photos of you swanning around in Pohangina would be lovely!!


  2. LOL, it’s a farm, I’m not sure swanning is the correct definition, can’t wear heels as I’d get bogged between the carport and the house.
    And yes, despite having four blocks and a sewing kit, it’s possible only a few stitiches will be done…’tis good to be prepared tho :-)

  3. Have a great Flight. I just so love what you are doing with the blocks. I was not going to be tempted but all those blocks are so different. I fell in love with their scrappy personality. I have decided to have a scrap background too. Now I have not started yet but the brain is ticking away :-)
    Have fun

  4. Felicity says:

    Have a great trip. Enjoy the wines, (and some sewing).
    Cheers Felicity

  5. Loving the Maltaville Album. Hmm – could almost be tempted. The blocks are just lovely. Enjoy NZ and reading QuiltMania of course!
    xxx Andrea. Ps: Guess who started a whole quilt to do (mostly) by hand today?

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