Sunday morning…

I walked in to my workroom this morning to a table strewn with stuff…

image of work table

May I have a bigger table please?

My best friend popped in about 4.30 yesterday to see what I’d been up to.

It was great to see her as we’ve both been so busy lately.

So I downed tools…I was doing the above…and we headed down to Kyneton for a coffee (I did turn the iron off)

then we came back here and DH cooked dinner while BF and I chatted and had a few drinks.

Then we all watched a movie and she went home about 11.30

t’was lovely to just chill.

So this morning I went in to the workroom to start the day and to try to remember where I was up to.

But then I remembered I had to leave that for the day because I was going to post the Maltaville blocks on to the other blog today,

so I went in to the ‘other’ workroom…

image of workroom

There's the blocks I had selected the other day...

and found more half done stuff.

Now of course it’s perfectly fine to have lots of half done stuff,

but I’m just not good at packing up after myself.

I’m a visual person,

if I can’t see it then I’m scared I’ll forget to do something.

I need constant visual reminders that I have things that need my attention.

If you turn 90 degrees to the left in this room you will see this

image of computer station

More 'in progress' stuff

I’m bringing patterns ‘up to date’,

LOL, I’ve lowered the ironing board to give myself another work surface.

I’ll leave that where it is even though it’s in my way…it will take longer to pack it away than it will to finish the job.

I can walk sideways for the day.

So, what’s that quilt in the first photo?

Another work in progress,

this one based on an 1826 quilt which will evolve in to something, something bigger than the original which is a cradle quilt.

For starters I’ve noted what I’ve done and the fabrics I’ve used my work book

this time I remembered to note the start date

image of work book

The working title is The Cradle Quilt but it won’t be a cradle quilt.

This is how it looked a couple of nights ago on the design wall

image of Cradle quilt in progress

Cradle Quilt 1826

Now I’m off to do that Maltaville post.


  1. You work just like me, only l can’t seem to find what l am working on sometimes. And then when l do clean up, l can’t find ANYTHING!!!

  2. Love the look of the Cradle Quilt. Kyneton has become one of our favourite places – particularly the wool shop – where you can get lost and come out with a much much lighter purse!

  3. I would feel very much at home in your work room, reminds me of my
    “Auntie May’s Room” where I can find everything ! Sometimes.

  4. Had to laugh about your ironing board. I have a big board and it only has about one sq. foot of free space. My cutting table is also piled high, so I have a big cutting mat on the treadmill and that’s where I cut. ;) We do what we have to.

  5. Haha…glad to know you’re using your treadmill wisely

  6. Your workroom is tidier than mine :-) I do know where everything is. There are quite a few projects on the go too. Just the way I like it and I am sure you do too.

    Cheers and keep having fun. Love it all

  7. I love that your workspace is almost as messy as mine. Perhaps I now have half a hope of being as creative as you! I seem to lose more stuff when it is tidied up than when it is messy, although when I lose it I give myself an excuse to buy more fabric to replace that which is missing. Any excuse will do!!!

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