Oh dear, people are starting to mention it.

It’s true… I mean I knew I hadn’t blogged for *Ages* but consoled myself with the thought that no one had said anything, so all is OK…no one thinks I’m a lazy bones.

But now you’re starting to notice.

And I’m very pleased cos it’s so easy to get out of the blogging habit and I needed a ‘shove’.

I have to confess I’ve hardly read a blog since I left for Houston last year, and y’all know I haven’t written on mine either.

Lo siento mucho.

(Sorry Texas just makes me think in Spanish)

I’ve missed it, and even though I’ve been catching up with many of you on Facebook  I had busied myself with other stuff and let blogging slip down the list.

No more Miss Busy

However, I think I won’t do a long *catch up* post as it would probably bore you all to tears.  Suffice to say I left for Houston, returned from Houston and had *The*Most*Fabulous*Time* in between.  I even took some extra time and  enjoyed a relaxing few days in the Pacific Northwest with dear friends as well, seeing a beautiful part of the USA I’d not seen before.  Old friends, new friends, fun and adventures galore.  Muchas gracias to all of you whom I spent time with.

One of the last quilt pictures you saw here was this one.

image of Pieced Compass quilt

Pieced Compass Quilt

Well I’m happy to report that I took it away with me and got some travel sewing done. And over the Christmas break I finished the piecing and the quilting.  The binding just needs to be stitched down and it’s finished, yippee.

image of quilt progress

This shows it in progress, two more borders were added. Where's a completed photo when I want one?

You know this entire quilt was made from fabric in my stash, how good is that.  I have some real favourites in there and I especially liked using this fabulous fabric which I bought a year or two ago.

image of eagle pillar print fabric

American Independence 100th Anniversary C.1876 by Sara Morgan for Blue Hill fabrics

A little bit of the Sarah Johnson Collection from the 1990s made its way further in the quilt too.

image of Sarah Johnson fabric

Sarah Johnson Fabric, Shelburne museum

I still have a little left for something special.

I’ve also started on a Pomegranate applique quilt. I’m very happy with the clarity of the fabrics together, they all seem to give off a lot of brightness…comparitively speaking for this ‘dull’ repro chick ;-)

image of Pomegranate applique block

Many of the blocks already prepped. This has been my evening sewing for most of February

The pomegranate itself is done differently to the one shown above.  Oh My…did I make it difficult for myself. And why?

I have no idea but am glad the penny dropped.  Here’s a few discards.

image of Reject pomegranates

Squishy, bad and generally gone off Pomegranates.

Fresh Pomegranates will be a breeze.

image of Applique pomegranates

Fresh Pomegranates

Well my dear quilting friends, it’s dinner time here… and Home beckons.

It’s been so hot and dry here and yet I know for many of you in the Northern hemisphere it’s been cold, miserable and sometimes dangerous. We’ve just entered Autumn and you’ve just entered Spring…let’s hope it’s better for all of us.


til soon



  1. Good to see you can take a hint!! :) And nice to have you back. Now I’ve got to get to my blog and get something done – I too had some complaints over the weekend.

  2. Margaret says:

    I know…I really did need a push along. TAG takes a wee bit of time don’t it (that bad grammar was intentional LOL)

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