I’m having a great day…

Thanks Jenn, thanks a bunch...s'cuse the pun.

It’s my birthday and I got these lovely flowers (and a bit of fabric) from my good friend Jennifer of 5foot1quilts.

I finished quilting her Teardrop Medallion quilt the other day which she is hanging in the Goldfields Quilters Exhibition this coming weekend.  It features a lot of Smithsonian fabrics so was a delight to work on.

Teardrop Medallion

Jennifer's Teardrop Medallion, centre block

We’ll get better photo’s at the Exhibition, this one is just me holding it up so it’s a bit skewiff.

Last week my mobile phone died (well not exactly died but started behaving very erratically) after 1 year and 364 days of a 2 year contract.  It was very timely because for my birthday I treated myself to this…

iphone 4

happy birthday to me...iphone 4 and it's all mine.

And I also got a couple of facebook birthday greetings, one from my ‘best friend in high school’…I’m feeling pretty special.

I am working today though, not taking a birthday ‘sickie’. Violet the trusty long-arm (and me) has been working overtime in readiness for the Exhibition, so today she is having a rest but I am on the computer finishing off the Banyan Tree Medallion Quilt pattern.

Banyan Tree Medallion

Banyan Tree Medallion. My newest reproduction quilt, circa 1815.

The pattern release is imminent.

Thanks for visiting…


  1. Well – HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you then!! Birthdays are not quite what they used to be – at least for me anyway. I think for you though your work is also your play so its nice that you can work/play on your birthday!

    see you next week at the Exhibition.

    Lotsa love

  2. Thanks heaps, txt me when you’re on your way and allow time for a coffee. xx

  3. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Margaret
    Happy Birthday to you.
    I still don’t have my binding on yet! just finished making it and I’m about to start attaching it. Oh and I’ve done my labels.

  4. happy happy Birthday!!!!
    I just got the iphone 4 too!!! It saved me the other day and took great pictures at the museum learn how to use the camera!
    Her Tear drop medallion looks beautiful wow hope we can see the whole quilt!

  5. now if you can just work out the camera….

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