Danke fur den sitzplatz

That’s right, this is not quilt related…

Earlier in the week, Michele over at Betwixt the Betweens had a humourous post about signs seen on holiday.  Michele’s was hilarious with a sign about how to (or more importantly, how not to) use a lavatory.

It reminded me of a sign I would see every day on the strassen bahns (trams) and U bahns (underground trains) in Vienna when I had a holiday there a few-ish years ago.

image of Vienna Tram sign

Danke fur den sitzplatz

The sign is pretty self explanatory ~ even with my worse than appalling German I could figure out that you had to vacate your seat for any of these people who might need it more than an able bodied person.

So I could see that there was a pregnant lady, a lady with a child and a disabled man but the guy on the end I could not figure out…image of blinde

It didn’t help that I was there with my (then) 18 year old daughter who would chuckle away to herself, stooped over and holding her hands together fingers and thumbs touching and tapping like Mr. Burns on The Simpsons…I was stumped…what does a man reading a paper and tapping his fingers together like Mr. Burns  mean?

It took nearly the whole 6 days we were there until I worked it out… I noticed the glasses, it’s a blind man… and that’s obviously a braille newspaper he’s reading.   And, embarrasingly, it’s only as I’m looking at it again now that I can see he has a white cane under his newspaper.

Really, why did they put the newspaper in the picture? it’s just too confusing. But to this day Ayla can do her little impression of Mr. Burns tapping his fingers together and it takes me right back to Vienna.

Aaaah Vienna, the marzipan capital of the world… how much marzipan can one girl eat?

imag of marzipan weiners

yes, these weiners are made of marzipan.

Back to quilt related next time, this was just a bit of fun and indulgence for a Saturday afternoon.


  1. Margaret, your marzipan weiners gave me a much needed laugh tonight. :)

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