A real post at last

Thank you all very much for bearing with me yesterday, and with Jennifer more importantly, as we gave Quilt Station a much needed new operating framework.

It was quite an overhaul and, even though the changes may look only cosmetic, what I have now is a website that will grow with me.

I’m so pleased and relieved about that.

It was a busy day and a half, but we both worked late into the night and I’m not ready to tally up what it really took, suffice to say we’re both a little tired.

There is still some tweaking to do, some of it minor ~ some of it more time consuming, but I think we have done all the things that were up the top of the priority list.

I really want to apologise wholeheartedly to those of you who were flooded ~ monsooned even, with emails about posts, pages, pings and goodness knows what else, I’m very embarrassed.  We were so sure we had disabled notifications on all the pages.  And thank you to everyone who wrote to let me know that things were amiss and where it wasn’t working.

It’s good to have the feedback so promptly, Jennifer was straight on to it where possible.

image of quilts on the platform

I don't mind if you sit on my quilts

I’m very grateful to all of you who subscribe to the posts, it’s really rewarding to know that you follow along and stay long enough to look at what I’m working on.   Jenn has asked me to tell you though that if you’ve saved your emails with notifications for posts that look like this


with numbers after the /

they won’t go anywhere anymore, you’ll get an error page.

If everything works the way it should when I hit publish, your email notifications will have for instance


or whatever the title of the post is.

image of roses around the studio

Beautiful roses, David Austin's Tradescant, outside my studio.

 There’s a reason I’m plopping in pretty photo’s and it’s this.

I’m trying to sweeten you up because I’ve got something I’d like you to do for me.

If you are one of those fabulous bloggers or websites who link to me, and I know there are lots of you…

… I would be really grateful if you could change the link to me from http://www.quiltstation.com.au/



That way the link will send visitors to this, the blog page, and not just the home page.

Not that I’m not proud of the home page, I love it.

But visitors might get bored after the first couple of times.

I haven’t become bored with the Home page yet, I keep gazing at that slide show of quilts and thinking, “by golly we’re clever”. LOL

Jenn and I tore around yesterday afternoon for an impromptu photo shoot, up ladders (me) and wiping tables (Jenn).  We’re pretty chuffed with the results.

Getting back to Mewsings, it’s a play on my name I’ve tried to use for a while now, you might remember it in my blog title by-line way back.  I never could get it in a sentence the way I wanted but I’m hoping it’s going to work here.

image of La Gare

La Gare and more roses.

My intention for Mewsings this year is that I will post more often, but less long.

And what do I do!  Start with an enormously long post ~  but this one is an exception I think.

I’m going to try to stick to only one topic or quilt per post.

Pull me up if I start getting off track won’t you.

til soon



  1. Ali fergusson says:

    Hi Margaret

    I just had to say I have my copy of the latest Quiltmania with your pattern… intend on embarking on it in the near future …. just as soon as I finish “Mrs Billings Coverlet” courtesy of Somerset Quilting.

    I’m From Sydney and love reproduction fabrics and only wish you guys down south were closer so I could see Threadbear Millrose and other Victorian shops firsthand.

    I have a writer friend who lives in two converted railway carriages near Canberra but love the thought ofyour “station” home.

    Well done in completing the re-vamp and look forward to watching it develop.

    Thanks for all the inspiration
    cherio for now


    • Hi Ali, Thank you for your kind words. Mrs Billings Coverlet is such a beautiful quilt, a big undertaking but what a lovely way to spend time. I hope you enjoy the 19th C star when you get to it too.
      Glad you’re liking the new look, few changes to go yet but, I’ll get there.
      til soon

  2. The site looks lovely. I enjoyed the slide show, and was very happy to see that if I left my cursor over a slide it would stay until I was ready to move to the next one, and then I just moved my cursor away. By golly you’re clever!

    • Thanks Ann Marie, well actually you’re clever LOL cos I didn’t know that would happen. What a fluke. I bet Jenn knew it would happen like that tho.
      I think these new changes are going to really help me with having great photo’s of my quilts. til soon, M

  3. It all looks fabulous! Well done on all the work, it has paid off (both blogwise and of course with your wonderful work!).
    You will cringe – there is an errant apostrophe just after the photo of Tradescant in “photo’s”.
    Have a look at my blog – there is a Get Well song that Clancye wrote for me, and she and Marshall recorded it. It worked – I am SO much better now, too. Happy NY, and love, XXXXX

    • hey, hey…great to hear from you. I’m glad you’re better, L and I were just wondering what you were up to the other week on our way out to Dig at Newstead (where the photo of that snazzy cup of coffee was taken a few posts back)
      Some words are sent to try us aren’t they but the apostrophe was intentional as, to my mind, photo is an abbreviation and therefore requires an apostrophe. When I see it otherwise I pronounce it as fo -toss, just like Lano and Woodley did LOL. You’ll recognise that fabric in the first quilt of course, I still think of you everytime I see it. Happy 2012, hope it’s a good one. I’ll be in touch Mxx

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