Throwin’ a Friday arvo sickie…

image of Connecticut quilt

…cos I feel like blogging not working. I’ve been continuing with this quilt over the last couple of months but before I show you how it’s evolving I want you to see how the 1800s Sunburst is looking now that all the blocks are together. We all know what a nice feeling it is when the […]

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Loving the Winter

image of OMG Ombre

Winter means nights in, in front of the fire. Nights in front of the fire means hand-sewing. BTW, thank you SBS for playing a great movie last night on the telly ~ “Walk the Line” with Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon~ I stayed up till the end and got lots o’ stitching done. This is a finished […]

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Two finishes

image of OMG Ombre

I have finally completed the top of Miss Hitchens’ Whimsy, just the quilting to do now. *Insert Happy Beaming Face* With MHW’s completion I got stuck into OMG Ombre…cutting the fabric for the remaining flying geese blocks.  Well when I say remaining I mean 22 of the 25 needed…I hadn’t got very far initially. I […]

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Progress x three

image of 1800s sunburst blocks

I’m so close to finishing Miss Hitchens’ Whimsy … I can hardly believe it. I’ve calculated just four evenings of stitching will complete the remaining two small corner blocks. (once I have prepared them of course) And then I just need a few hours to assemble because all the border strips are sewn… …and the […]

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OMG Ombre and some new patterns

Rising Sun Medallion

I’ve been enjoying working with some Ombre fabrics which have been in my stash for a wee while, and I confess I’m still adding new ones to my shelves. Ombre fabric, also known as a Rainbow or Fondu print, was very fashionable with quiltmakers during the 1830-1850 period.  The fabrics created shading and interest to applique quilts (think epergne vases in Baltimore Album quilts)  […]

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No way, it can’t possibly be…can it?

Keep Calm and Carry On.

Well the computer can’t lie, and I am hanging my head in embarrassment here. I haven’t blogged for long time.  I have been hanging out on Facebook a little bit and lately on Instagram too but it’s not quite the same is it. Shall I just get back on the horse and hope […]

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June Orr 1849

image of initials and date

I was really surprised to realise when writing the last blog post that I hadn’t written at all about the June Orr quilt which was hanging over the top of the ladder in this pic from last time  So as promised, though not as timely as promised, ( I have been back nearly two months…eeek […]

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Travel prep

image of Benjamin Biggs block 4

Isn’t it great that we can take our stitching with us when we go gadding about.  I just wish I could sew in the car though, I know many can but not me…makes me feel a tad squeamish. Before first light tomoro I am off to New Zealand for what we now jokingly call the […]

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Autumn Sewing

image of Autumn Leaves

Autumn is nearly over… it is my most favourite time of year. Central Victoria is just gorgeous during autumn and this morning when DH and I drove in to Castlemaine to grab a few supplies I enjoyed seeing the poplar trees in a blaze of yellow.  The photo above was taken here at Quilt Station […]

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Step One…make a mess. Step Two…make it bigger!

image of table mess

“I’ll just reorganise my stash a little better“ I don’t even know what prompted the thought that popped in to my head, other than I had about an hour or so to spare while waiting for DH ~ we were heading off for a couple of days R & R. Also I had just bought […]

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