Thursday and Friday were clutter filled and busy days at my place…
I turned the living room in to a Photographic Studio!
I had finally found time to set aside a day (but then needed two) to photograph quilts and get pattern covers designed for a ‘stack’ of quilts.
I had planned to do this way back in February or even March! Outside… on a fine and wind free and DH not busy & can assist me kind of day.
Well it just didn’t happen LOL, then I figured surely I can do this inside.
DH isn’t having any non busy days but my friend Catie was here and wanting something to do.
The fun began with the moving of furniture, setting up the quilt frame and dusting off the tripod.
Then bringing in extra lights and doing test shots to test the light- shadowing vs glare and which camera gave the best result.
Rollo was exhausted watching all that.
Eventually we were on a roll and had a good system in place. Catie photographed and uploaded to the pattern cover template
while I gave her the info to enter… Quilt name, description and size.
I should mention here that Catie is visiting from France and English is not her first language and French is not mine. But we are both improving at a remarkable rate
But I now speak (and even think) English in an odd slow and deliberate way, with a French accent. I’m sure it won’t last. But even DH is doing it!
The antique quilts needed a bit of tweaking of course, you can do wonders with a bit of string and double sided sticky tape.
I shooed Maisie off this quilt so I could finish the binding and add it to the Quilt Stack.
There is still a little bit to do but the hard part is done and the living room was back to normal for Friday evening.
I haven’t had much evening sewing time the last few days but hope to get this new block finished during the week so I can decide what to add to it next, it will probably turn in to a medallion quilt.
Have a great weekend, it’s cold and wet here but I’m enjoying the time at home.
Happy stitching
til soon