Well the computer can’t lie, and I am hanging my head in embarrassment here.
I haven’t blogged for long time.
I have been hanging out on Facebook a little bit and lately on Instagram too but it’s not quite the same is it.
Shall I just get back on the horse and hope you’ll let me pick up where I left off?
Thank you…Ahem…shuffle of feet…I’m blogging, and it feels good.
Last time you saw my Pomegranate quilt, I was bundling up a few blocks to sew on a trip to NZ.
Look at it now!
I am really pleased with the way this quilt has turned out…quite bright (clear) for me; usually I’m muddy-er and scrappy-er.
And sticking to three fabrics and a background?
LOL I couldn’t, there are a few subtle additions in the borders.
I headed off to the wonderful Hepburn Springs (Daylesford, Vic.) last September with some of my LQG;
its always a special weekend with these ladies many of whom I’ve sewn with for nigh on 20 years.
Taking a morning stroll for coffee offers some lovely sights and the chance to meet a local.
Then back to the house for stitching.
I had plenty with me to choose from because I’ve started a several new quilts over the last months.
(And pulled a few UFO’s out of storage with renewed vigour)
I cut out a few of these hand-pieced Sunburst blocks in readiness for retreat. I then cut some more and have since sewn all of those.
And since then have cut the rest of the blocks needed for the quilt and spend most evenings hand stitching these.
Last count I have half the blocks sewn, but it doesn’t pay to count too often
Also during January, aka ‘My Month of Selfish Sewing’, I have started and finished a machine pieced quilt top named Lexington Road.
It’s only draped over the quilting machine, I wonder if anyone will notice if ‘MMoSS’ extends for a few more days…I’d love to get it quilted!
And January sewing included getting all these cute little applique blocks together, and continuing with the quilt I’m calling Miss Hitchens’ Whimsy.
I’m teaching it at The Applique Guild’s Applique Academy later this year.
see The Applique Guild of Australia‘s website for more details.
There’s been some other ‘finishes’ since we last spoke, but perhaps I’ll leave those til next time
as the neck is a tad sore from tapping at the computer, but it feels really nice to connect with you all again.
Thank you for taking an interest in what I get up to, I do enjoy sharing it.
til next